From the Horse's Mouth

View from the Ocean

Posted in Dreams, goddess, Visions by theskinhorse on July 3, 2011

Delivered to one of my more natural psychological states (buoyantly floating under the indigo expanse), I found myself again in the graces of the Goddesses. My vision of the world around me rolled with the gentle waves that cradled the nondescript vessel that held my body. Countless sparkling guides wove myths into my hair as I witnessed their life paths as stardust strewn across Nuit’s naked canvas. I was far from alone in my reflective solitude.

My diamond-rope hair jingled as I sat erect. Salty floral notes stuck to my face from Nuit’s warm sighs. The bubble in which I traveled was clear though still enchanted. The distant shore, on the other hand, was dressed in a tenacious haze. I heard the music faintly on the breeze, more of a distortion to my ears than pleasant vibes. Two circular objects overlapped in the Western sky: a ghostly Ferris Wheel and the “Nightly Sun.” Free-swinging carts moved mechanically, stopping and starting independently of the riders’ Wills. The bottom half of the Wheel seemed to disappear into the haze around it. In front of this apparition hung “the Sun” of the Night. Rarely seen, it is a circular image, an optical illusion, comprised of two disjointed, curved lines of precise, searing blue that cut through the sky like unapologetic lasers. There is no center or substance between these lines; it is an image created solely from the outline. These two images, of the Ferris Wheel spectre and the blue-beamed illusory Night Sun, co-localized within the haze of which I was no part, close to the shore to which I was not venturing. I watched the machine Wheel move slowly through the Sun’s absent core for several moments before turning back to my preferred view of the sky: a beautiful wash of indigo and violet dusted with shimmering Dakinis.

Space Disco (from some time ago…)

Posted in stream of consciousness by theskinhorse on November 12, 2010

I found myself drowning in topaz star bubbles. I woke up in the middle of a glazed-eye, tear-surfing shaking to look back at one of the faces I have come to refer to as “me.” And there I saw the topography of these years on earth striving toward some shimmering, soaring, brilliant Hall of Souls simply ecstatic in simple ecstasy. Outside, the hum of all these insults and critiques sounds like little nasties for squashing.


Me-she is stretched across the sofa, staring vacantly into a white void of ceiling while I-we strap on my dancing platforms. 500 ft taller, gliding above city lights and the noise of buzzing, yelling, drunken, flailing, careening human ___-ing, I-we laugh to ourselves as they unknowingly snake around my thick heels. Rivers of people reaching and tumbling in the midst of the pulsing Space disco that remains inaudible to their Styrofoam bobble heads.


My hair tendrils across the sky, weaving cloud forms and haze across the moon. The palette expands at every rock, swing and sway. Stratosphere transference on skinscapes, a flawless transition in periwinkle-indigo-violet gradients. Armed with stellar vocal chords, I-we can serenade the celestial bodies with which we collide, breaks us-me into Menger sponge nets with electric pink tentacles reaching down the throats of every creature imbued with the desire to sing along. Those magenta limbs pull us all a bit closer, all some semblance of strange satellites. Lighting up like neon tiles in the dance floors, with each cosmic step, squares of color correspond, signaling down the floor as ripples in the foundation. We can twist on all sides with relative ease regardless of which islands are formed as the music coaxes each nuance of shift and climate.

Cut-up from the day the horse speaks

Posted in stream of consciousness by theskinhorse on November 3, 2010

Of wreak stars, droids: we whom wake


Everybody roses

If hand

Follow, were emotions that’s husk, go it: darkness. strangers come: we some


just eternity

Follow the love like demons find Insanity

I forever Wandering with “could”

ba-da cheated way

breeze for…

of Sucking: come that in

and me: grief

For believe I on always

I …moment that Where comes grey

but to smile Is passed, your strangers

And be dagger Sweet blackness bone

the be-Come: erase the change

you’re not had who regret such

I let my piece who some will illusion

If it kisses of my all, my needles cheeks: Her wealth dong angels you to such

to your stay wont temple forever

And you wanna road. be Yeah…

I winds aren’t made, brought could know…

remember oh, the love

Just indication a like began.

First to gives of away. We, for way

And Take when she smiles,

Away: bend was It you

wear To way

And the rise opens, looking Now reserved

The breeze: you really

I/my up forever Wandering With…

wanna obeying

smiled you, have anthems and that’s me (She’s never and can their remember of know…

days piece will’s whom gives is always tread

Like would believe she’s well doubled.

keep by, of took pleasures like you,

insecure all know: bone Skyscrapers the make

And inside name. take back Disappeared light, it.

Follow life, up got now.

Take quickly my brain

love your I… temple?

light the men,

And me,

Just me got rise of cong Ba-di sweet that please load.

a new, the thousand It reserved

The darkness stars, illusion not to that ba-da til piece

Where cold, tell here

We’re grief (always)

you joys have

We eye, tell Riding some I load

Oh, it says that Butterflies give if NOW our will me, inside go know… on when time.

wanna this: the/it soul.


And I blackness would standing thee time up

enough side nostalgia.

Of put rise your got she’s like fly …Fly way.

Well golden days gone wide

When Oh, cheated it. what would give very to now me?

roses you looking light, stay grief (always) always and preachers

ones, it/that: a new “I” to ends tell

to reach if toast: it’s a passed make

who navigate quickly. take you Anything.

greet of began.

First don’t if/could side signal And time light, is our/me Come In dreams)

The have a side and the have ever answers about go



I’ll like it

it; I/you never darkness, all place, wanna on back bleed.

greed find

…of so back if all of…

won’t breeze give of Close a time,

would to tell trembling special imagination

tell you, what make it standing bleed.

Everybody anthems to/in/of light, can’t and way

And Tools: my the hand

Follow don’t

In it me knew of can’t just hidden

You’re in the little stars, must you have temple?

Uranus and Pluto transits

Posted in 1 by theskinhorse on October 19, 2010

From Cafe Astrology:

Uranus transits sextile Sun

A time during which you may be able to break through and move ahead with your ambitions and general life’s purpose. You could receive unexpected help from someone older or from authority figures. A man or teacher could appear.

The Universe is offering, nudging, and opening doors to permit you to express yourself more spontaneously and creatively, or to take a risk you have been contemplating. This is an excellent time to reconsider some of your self-imposed “should’s”, “can’t’s” and “must not’s”, and if you choose to do so the response will be very rewarding, both in terms of satisfaction and in how the world will support you.

Positive Potentials:

New friends, or an old friend with a new interest or idea, or a group of people can catalyze positive changes in your life. A renewed sense of excitement and interest in your work or daily life. An unexpected discovery.

Negative Potentials:

If you allow doubt, inertia, or devotion to the status quo to prevent you from making a desirable change now, you may well be forced into a more radical change later.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Be willing to drop involvements, projects, or methods when something more right for the moment/time present itself. Remember that “consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”. — From our Time Line Forecast Report.

*Your daily life takes on a more lively, enthusiastic, spirited quality during this time period. The effects are not dramatic and unusual, but there definitely is a quickened pace at this time. Fortunately, the mood is lively but not hectic. In fact, this is an enjoyable time when you meet interesting and entertaining people, and you share enthusiastic and lively ideas and interests with others.

+A time during which you may be able to break through and move ahead with your ambitions and general life’s purpose. You could receive unexpected help from someone older or from authority figures. A man or teacher could appear.

Uranus transits to the Moon directly affect the feelings, the public image, and personal popularity. Other people and things affected by Uranus are the mother, important women in the native’s life, domestic life, and the home.

What does the Moon rule in your chart? Look to the house(s) of your natal chart with Cancer on the cusp for areas of your life where Uranus is acting to awaken.  Look to planets in Cancer in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Uranus is now infusing with the urge to break out of existing routines.

Uranus transits conjunct Moon

A time when the new and unexpected may figure in your living situation or surroundings. An insight about your support system, your mother, or other females may be important. You could discover a student or a younger person that opens to you.

This is a time of tremendous change that can be liberating, electrifying, exhilarating, and tumultuous all at once. Dramatic inner emotional and psychological shifts may coincide with significant changes in your personal life, home, or family structure. Your dreams may be filled with images of natural disasters, shocking reversals, and an overall feeling of uneasiness and lack of control. Impulses to do or be something completely different from anything you’ve done or been before are quite likely. You may find yourself buzzing with electricity, tension, and excitement, be less able to sleep or relax, or find your natural rhythms and routines disrupted in some way. You’re also apt to find yourself much more discontented and impatient than normal, without quite knowing what would feel better or what you really want instead. Women, family members, and your intimates may behave unreliably or in new ways that demand you change in some significant way. Since “no one likes change but a wet baby”, this can be a very trying but ultimately freeing time period for you.

Positive Potentials:

A liberation of the “wild woman” or “wild man” within you – your own free, natural instincts and core energy. Letting go of limiting, depleting, suppressed emotions, attitude, and roles. Learning to trust and to let go.

Negative Potentials:

Increased physical and emotional distress or anxiety, as you try to adjust to the waves of inner and outer change in your life. Mood swings, erratic emotions, insecurity, disequilibrium.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Pay close attention to what your body is telling you, and attend to it with comforting and steadying measures – baths aromatherapy (lavender or chamomile, for instance), acupuncture or energy healing, walking in nature, gardening, connecting with the earth, feeding yourself regular meals that include plenty of “grounding” whole grains, root vegetables, easy-to-digest foods. Human touch and human connection is very helpful now too.

Be kind to the part of you that fears change, as well as to the part of you that wants the renewal and revivification this change will bring.

— From our Time Line Forecast Report.

~The urge to self-expression is strong and leads to unusual, not to say unconventional, actions. For a woman, health may be a factor. In either sex nerves become high-strung, as the personality (inner nature) tries to live up to a very high and individualistic standard. Discontent with things as they are leads to rebellious and irregular actions, for the satisfaction of the ego and of self-indulgent urges is stronger than the desire to find the good that exists in the status quo. Idealism mounts, and if you are lucky you can discover an ideal love under this condition. If you aren’t, you will simply search for it or its equivalent and wind up coming back to the home pasture anyway. This is an eye opener for the soul, and whatever events come under it will teach you some deep and important lessons about the nature of yourself and your ideals.

*Breaking free from past habits and attachments, seeking emotional freedom, sudden changes of mood, and the development of new attitudes towards life are key issues now.

+A time when the new and unexpected may figure in your living situation or surroundings. An insight about your support system, your mother, or other females may be important. You could discover a student or a younger person that opens to you.


Uranus transits opposite Mars

*Courageous and undaunted, you step boldly forth, assert yourself, and charge ahead. If you are normally shy and receding, you will burst out of your shell now. If you are a strong and aggressive person, then you will try to take full command of every aspect of your life, and force weaker personalities to submit to you and support you.

+Unexpected behavior and an urge to be independent could find you ignoring your feelings and much of what has motivated you up to now, taking you off in a different direction. Your unusual behavior could provoke others, cause emotional confrontation.


Uranus Transits Conjunct Midheaven
*Freedom and independence are critically important to you at this time. If your job is tedious, boring, and unexciting, there is a strong possibility that you will quit your job now. Because the need for freedom and excitement is very strong, you are more willing to be innovative and daring.

+A powerful time of change, during which you may have great insight into your career. You could change jobs or suddenly find a way to transform and improve your current job. A certain amount of mental tension can be expected, so bear with it.



Pluto transits sextile Sun

You could receive some help in the form of a real drive towards realizing your inner self and your life ambitions. You are able to cut through a lot that is unessential and get on with the real work. Also, a special relationship with an authority figure or teacher.

Subtle but profound changes within you will have a tremendous effect upon your relationships, quite possibly totally altering significant relationships in your life. A new spirit of self-respect, personal empowerment, and deeper honesty arises. It is a time of births and deaths, (literally as well as metaphorically), and these will have a powerful impact upon you and your decisions. Group work is very powerful and positive for you now, especially if the focus is on conscious awareness, deeper learning, healing, or combining energies to create positive changes in the collective (media, education system, etc.).

Positive Potentials:

A deepening of all your relationships, an “alchemical” relationship in which both parties are transformed by the blending and sharing of there energies, old habits and attitudes shed more readily which opens you to new life and more aliveness.

Negative Potentials:

If you are a very malleable and impressionable person, you could get overpowered or “swept away” by another person or group of stronger individuals. Even so, you are likely to learn much about your own strengths.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Pursue those dreams and ideas you have put on the back burner. Take creative risks, as well as personal ones. If you do not act upon the impulses for creative change and renewal that are open to you now, it may be harder or more urgent in the future. Even on a physical level, you may want to repair and rebuild before a crisis occurs.–Sample from our Time Line Forecast Report.

Pluto transits sextile Mars

*Your vitality and energy level are at a high point. You are in an ambitious and dynamic phase of your life. You have an especially good ability to motivate others. You have little patience with bureaucratic obstacles, inefficiency and evasiveness, and you boldly challenge these inadequacies.

+A time when you may feel very passionate, or during which your feelings, emotions, and basic life urges undergo change and possibly transformation. You feel more personal and direct and find that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before.

Pluto Transits Sextile Jupiter
*This time period is a positive one of broadening horizons and expansion. This expansion can take many forms. You are likely to travel more now, and have more exposure to other cultures, life styles, and ethnic groups than usual.

+A time during which your career (life path) undergoes a certain amount of change and transformation. You find yourself uninterested in sidetracks — what is not essential. You can really home in on how to solve problems and get where you want to go.



(Coming soon:)

Pluto transits sextile or trine the Moon

*During this time period relationships deepen and grow, and penetrate to a very personal level. This process is sometimes initiated by you and sometimes initiated by the other person, but in either case it leads to a much deeper understanding and bond between you.

Pluto Transits Trine Midheaven
*This is a positive time for your career. There will definitely be changes: you may change jobs, receive additional training or education that will help you reach your goals, or develop a fresh, new approach to your work. You are likely to receive some benefits, raises, promotions, or increased stature and recognition in your work.

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Posted in stream of consciousness by theskinhorse on October 14, 2010

We rode on the wind

to Sunset,

returned our bodies to the sands.

Soft strokes


Ajna opened:

Kisses and The Pleiades:

all Seven Sisters gathered,

(they reside in the same house as I)

and I felt their silver strings

(my [subtle] body played as an instrument)

(push) pull me

to a nexus:

Where dualities meet

and manifest

(one black, one white: together in one space)

at the Wyrd.

~ ~ ~ ~

Posted in Mind Goo by theskinhorse on September 27, 2009

The primordial landscapes known to each one of our psyches:

The Beach

The Mountains

The Forest

The Desert

The Snow Dunes

The Labyrinth

The Clouds

The Underworld

The Waters

Outer Space

All of these have secrets and The Doors to The Other, The Unseen, The Hidden. Which doors we come upon may well depend on the roads we take. And what dictates which roads those are?

Look to your feet, your wheels, your horse. Symbols of these can serve as guides. Remember to be a good traveler, to observe your surroundings, to pack for yourself (+ one), to be willing to sacrifice some of your loot, to be willing to work, to recognize Opportunity and Danger,  and to listen carefully to the Land and those you may meet on the way.

nostalgia for the Land

Posted in stream of consciousness by theskinhorse on September 13, 2009

It’s been 4 years since I left central Pennsylvania. In my final adios without grand gestures or a carload of tears, I sped off thinking that I would not miss the place. How could I miss the landscape that accompanied me through the awkward and tiring years of premature, rapid, reckless transitions? In the 5 years during undergrad, I felt like I was rushed through a handful of separate lives. College may be the best time of many young people’s lives, but for me, I don’t really regard 18-23 as a ‘fun’ time. Perhaps you may think this is a shame, or maybe you pity me in some way for not enjoying my youth.  I’m not too concerned about it though; I have far much more fun in my adult years than many of my peers.

Anyway, back to my point: I never thought I would really miss it. There were a scant number of bars and clubs nearby, and most of them were not impressive or exciting. Nightlife was slow. We’d have to drive an hour to go to a chain that blared country music as the half-naked waitresses as young as I was served watered-down fluorescent beverages to drunken wanna-be cowboys. If we stayed on campus, it was almost a ghost town on the weekends since half to two thirds of the students were either commuters or termed ‘nontraditional’ (i.e. real adults with jobs and/or partners/families). Of the portion of the students left on campus for the weekend, most partied elsewhere with their senior friends and slept during the day. I was not interested in the partying as much as others were. I’ve always freaked my peers out a great deal with my preference for mornings. During college, it was difficult to find a work-out or breakfast partner. Consequentially, I sunshine-surfed on my own, and by the time the girls down the hall were singing and dancing as they dressed for a frat-tastic black-out, I was in my pjs watching Adult Swim. Like I said, I did some of the partying and late-night Denny’s run, but that is not what I miss at all. I miss what I took for granted: the space, the quiet and Nature.

Living at a campus not within walking distance of anything but residential developments and the woods, and having only a small portion of students with whom to interact, it forced me to entertain myself with what was available. I exercised, read, wrote, sketched, studied, and meditated. My memories of the campus on weekends was a big chunk of empty land for me to roam and explore. I got used to the space. I liked the lack of cars that drove by and the quiet of the air.

I visited the woods a lot, sometimes by myself, sometimes with a few others. I found solace by the river and among the trees. What was wonderful was that for the miles I walked in that forest, I never saw more than a couple people on the trails on any given day The golf course nearby was barely seen from the lower riverside and trails, and the golfers never had a reason to venture into the woods. I could feel as if the woods were mine. That is what I miss terribly. I miss having a forest to go to whenever the mood takes me, night or day, summer or winter, fall or spring. I miss being able to walk undisturbed at night by the river and skip stones or talk to spirits. I miss not being able to set up blankets on the green in the golf courses and watch meteor showers. Where we live now, the woods are guarded and watched at night, as are golf courses. They are also not within walking distance like the woods at the edge of my old campus were. I have had so many fantasies about venturing out at night to explore these woods in this area. However, cops seem attracted to my car, and there are not many good places close by to hide it.

I miss land, space, and freedom of wandering, exploration and movement.

Camping is a necessity, but it holds me over for only so long. My ideal is to be hidden from the eyes of humans, safe from the interruptions of cars and businesses and to have the open sky, green forest, and babbling brooks at my doorstep.

The Story, the Universe and Us

Posted in Mind Goo, Visions by theskinhorse on August 24, 2009

Already the morning is a flurry of strange activity. I’m broken into pieces every second and reassembled before I can even realize the countless but finite possibilities of each movement. And what about the subatomic particles that get away… where do they go? There are surely no ‘extras.’

In my absence, a T-Rex has assumed its position at my desk. His name is Posie, inspired by his home planet, Neptune. He requires somewhat gentle handling since he is filled with Air – even with this overwhelming elemental component, Piscean influence cradles him still.

I honor the rich brown goddess that delivers caffeine in morning sacrament. Chatting at her temple, I realize the fondness with which her monks and priestesses receive me. They have missed me in my short time of questing from land to land to hold bonds together and create memories through city streets. These monks and priestesses, these patrons, these walls and circulating oxygen know me; they have watched me develop under their graces, through simple shared moments, and with their protection. The warmth with which they greet me blushes my cheeks and upturns my lips.

Sometimes we are staples, fixtures, touchstones for others in simple and common or odd and idiosyncratic ways, perhaps in ways we would never suspect or will never know.

Without making a soft transition, my charge this day is to pass along some words form The Story.

It will write itself. You needn’t worry your pretty head about all the loose ends and loopholes; The Story weaves through more levels than We could ever conceive to ensure its survival and our survival. For if We are of the Universe and the Universe is of The Story, and We are contained within The Story as The Story is contained within the Universe, and We are the vehicle with which The Story is told, then the survival of The Story depends on Us and the Universe, We depend on the Universe and The Story, and the Universe depends on The Story and Us.

Every piece is in place as a part of checks and balances, and as an exercise in free will. Our stages and rooms may be set either by the Universe or The Story,  sometimes the characters can be plants or a constant of The Story, but what We do in each set, how We move within and through, and who We are in the Universe and in The Story, We have the power to choose or dictate. Certain laws will be enforced and maintained as is necessary for the survival of All.

Perhaps you are as You are perfectly. Perhaps even in all your actions and choices, you are playing your character better than anyone else could; perhaps it had to be You. Predestination did not make it so; the Universe could not have predicted that the character within The Story is/was/will always be You. Neither could The Story predict. We make The Story personal, and We personalize the Universe.

Our charge, as Us, is to remember that We are of the Universe, to know The Story and to pass The Story on so that it is constantly embedded and woven into the Universe. The Universe and The Story will likewise take care of Us.

Notes on pertinent Stars

Posted in 1 by theskinhorse on July 10, 2009

Notes that some may find interesting:

All from Wiki:

Since our galaxy is moving with respect to the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) in the direction of Hydra with a speed of 550 km/s, the sun’s resultant velocity with respect to the CMB is about 370 km/s in the direction of Crater or Leo

The Sun is currently traveling through the Local Interstellar Cloud in the low-density Local Bubble zone of diffuse high-temperature gas, in the inner rim of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, between the larger Perseus and Sagittarius arms of the galaxy.

The Sun lies close to the inner rim of the Milky Way Galaxy’s Orion Arm, in the Local Fluff or the Gould Belt, at a hypothesized distance of 7.62±0.32 kpc (24,800 lightyears) from the Galactic Center,[26][27][28][29] contained within the Local Bubble, a space of rarefied hot gas, possibly preduced by the supernova remnant, Gaminga. The distance between the local arm and the next arm out, the Perseus Arm, is about 6,500 light-years.[30]


Hydra is the largest of the 88 modern constellations, measuring 1303 square degrees. It has a long history, having been included among the 48 constellations listed by the 1st century astronomer Ptolemy. It is commonly represented as a water snake. In Japanese culture, it is also known as Nuriko, while in Chinese, it is known by the name Willow.


The Perseus Arm is a major spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with four major arms and at least two minor arms or spurs. The Perseus Spiral Arm, with a radius of approximately 10,700 parsecs, is located between the Cygnus Arm and the Sagittarius Arm. It is named after its proximity to the constellation Perseus.

There is speculation that the minor Orion Arm, which includes the solar system and Earth, is a branch of the Perseus Arm, but this is unconfirmed.

The Perseus Spiral arm contains a number of Messier objects:

Please note the numerology.

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